We’ve often written about the public’s endless fascination with Barron Trump. Much of that fascination is due to how mysterious the young man is. As a rule, he generally avoids cameras and public statements, preferring to let both his siblings and his famous father take the spotlight whenever possible. He does this now voluntarily, though when he was younger, Donald and Melania Trump did their best to keep Barron away from the sight of the paparazzi in order to keep him out of the headlines.
There’s no need to protect Barron like that now, though. Tall (even taller than Donald!) and handsome, the Barron of today spends his time alternating between his college studies and advising his father. In fact, many credit the young man’s advice for his father to go on podcasts like the Joe Rogan experience for why Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election. Maybe that makes Barron a master political strategist, but we still don’t know all that much about him.
One thing we do know, though, is that Barron’s girlfriend once called him “the best guy.” Who is this gal, and what do her comments tell us about the elusive and enigmatic Barron Trump? Keep reading to find out!
Barron Trump’s love life is mostly a mystery

If there’s one thing shrouded in even more mystery than Barron Trump’s personality, it’s his love life. Remarkably, there are never any breathless stories about who he is currently dating or paparazzi snaps of him with a celebrity on his arm. As the son of Donald Trump, one of the most powerful men in the world, Barron could easily command the attention of countless women if he wanted to.
It helps that Barron himself has grown up to be so tall and handsome…a far cry from the lanky little boy we saw grow up in the White House. Now that he towers over his famous father, we can only imagine the young man is turning heads left and right while attending NYU. However, we still know nothing about his love life with one powerful exception: we know who his first girlfriend was.
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Who is Barron’s girlfriend?

When you read the term “Barron Trump’s girlfriend,” you’re probably thinking of a college student or celebrity that he’s been secretly seeing. However, the only girlfriend that we know about is one that he allegedly dated back when he attended Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School. According to TikTok user @maddatitude, she once dated Barron Trump and was the first to give the famous young man a kiss.
The primary proof that Maddie offered for her claim was a photo of her and young Barron from school when they were very young. It bore the caption “sorry gals, he’s mine” along with emojis of a kissing smiley face and an engagement ring. She also posted a picture from when Barron allegedly took her whole class to the White House, giving everyone the chance to meet and take pictures with Donald Trump.
What did Barron Trump’s girlfriend have to say about him?

TikTok user @madditude was the first woman to claim that she dated Barron Trump. Those who commented on her video had many different questions, but one was much more common than the others. And that question was simple: just what was young Barron like?
Fortunately for fans of the youngest of Donald Trump’s children, Maddie had nothing but positive things to say about Barron. For example, she confirmed that he was “very nice” when the cameras weren’t on him, meaning that he isn’t simply putting on an act for the media like so many other famous people do. Maddie also declared that Barron was the “best guy” she had ever met and “a lil shy.”
For those seeking some hot gossip about Barron Trump, Maddie’s post was a virtual goldmine of info. However, an increasing number of skeptics have questioned whether she ever actually had a relationship with the young celebrity in the first place.
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Some doubt the TikTok user ever dated Barron Trump

As noted before, the TikTok user’s bold claims sent shockwaves through online communities that love to keep track of Barron Trump and his famous family. After all, what’s juicier than finding out who a famous person’s first girlfriend is? However, many have pointed out that there is no real concrete proof that the two ever dated.
In an effort to provide proof, Maddie posted photos of herself and Barron Trump at school and of her class taking a trip to the White House to meet Donald Trump. However, this merely proves that she went to school with Barron and not that they ever dated. It’s possible she’s lying about all of this for clout, of course. But considering that the famously private Barron hasn’t ever commented on the matter, her claim of being his first girlfriend have never been officially disputed.