Part of being the United States president is projecting an image of strength and confidence. In other words, the last thing the president wants to do is get caught doing something embarrassing. But here’s the rub: the president always has more media attention than almost...
Tag: George W. Bush
The Truth About Nancy Pelosi
There are few political figures quite as polarizing as Nancy Pelosi. As the first and only female Speaker of the House of Representatives, she has been an inspiration for many over the years. However, she has also been at the center of a number of...
The Most Embarrassing Bush Family Moments Captured on Camera
Many remember the presidency of George W. Bush as being unintentionally funny. That is because he was known for misspeaking, and these so-called “Bushisms” (such as him asking “is our children learning?”) were often equal parts funny and embarrassing. However, that unintentional humor really runs...
The Most Embarrassing Political Moments Captured on Camera
It often feels like politics only have two gears: terrifying and boring. When there is a major vote hanging in the air that will impact you, politics can be downright scary. Most of the time, though, watching CSPAN is boring enough to put you to...
8 Rules Every Former President Has to Follow When They Leave Office
Ever wonder what life is like for presidents after they leave office? Much like their time in office, retirement days are a considerably mixed bag. On one hand, the Former Presidents Act and other bits of legislation established some really nice lifetime perks for former...
A Look at the Childhood Homes of 20 US Presidents
We tend to think of United States presidents as living wealthy and elegant lifestyles. After all, most modern presidents start rich and leave the White House much, much richer. However, you’d be surprised at how many of these presidents came from very humble beginnings. And...
Inside The Controversial Friendship Of Ellen DeGeneres & George W. Bush
“Have you heard about the Ellen DeGeneres controversy?” That’s actually a dangerous way to open a conversation. Why? Because Ellen is embroiled in so many controversies lately! Of course, her most recent scandal emerged in July 2020 when Buzzfeed reported dozens of employee allegations that...